Events 2021

June 30th......Annual Block Party Fundraiser, conducted this year by the Madison Arts Council. Food, fun, entertainment with "Neon Gypsy" 5 to 7 PM, at the Biome/Flags site south of the Madison VFW. Free will donations taken.

July 4th...No parade or fireworks this year, both have been rescheduled for July 17th, during the Dragonfest/All-School Reunion Celebration

July 16th,.....Stinker Day. Sidewalk Sales, Lutefisk Run, Kiwanis Grillout at the VFW, 5-7:30

July 17th.....All School Reunion/Dragonfest. Parade at 10:30 AM (Call 320 598-7301 to enter a unit), Free Movie at the Grand at 2:00 PM, Racing at the Madison Speedway at 6:00 PM, Fireworks at the fairgrounds at dusk. Be watching for a more complete schedule to be posted soon.

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